Meet François Perrodin

L'Art Concret

François Perrodin is usually classified in the category of “concrete artist”. His work is based on Art Concret.
Francois Perrodin art is based on relation to space: the forms between each other and their relationship with visitors.

Discover the contemporary approach of François Perrodin and the behind the scene of work in progress.
Click on thumbnails below to discover all episodes of the collaboration

"Certains éléments spécifiques de mon travail me semblent s’être précisés, avoir trouvé des formes plus affirmées et de nouvelles définitions. Tout d’abord l’insistance quand au rôle de l’objet, comme concrétisation de la forme. (...) Enfin la prise en compte de la mobilité du tableau, des rapports aux espaces dans lesquels ces objets sont mis en place et des rapports aux spectateurs." François Perrodin

Perrodin Artwork has been exhibited in Paris, Geneva, Osaka, Seoul and many others places.

François Perrodin Bio.

He works in Paris and teaches at the European School of Art in Brittany in Rennes. François Perrodin opens up to his studio for the collaboration project with Mont Kiji.